The Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse program offers assistance to male survivors of both recent and historical sexual abuse. As Canada’s first program of its kind, it is provided by various agencies throughout the province.
Services Provided:
Individual and Group Counselling, Peer Support, 24-hour multilingual Telephone and Online Counselling. To find local services in your community, call 1-866-887-0015.
1-866-887-0015 | || | ||
180 Dundas St. West, Suite 506 Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Z8 |
Array ( [address] => 180 Dundas St W suite 506, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Z8, Canada [lat] => 43.655243 [lng] => -79.3865569 [zoom] => 14 [place_id] => EjYxODAgRHVuZGFzIFN0IFcgc3VpdGUgNTA2LCBUb3JvbnRvLCBPTiBNN0EgMkc1LCBDYW5hZGEiJRojChYKFAoSCd1PVz_JNCuIEXmJAQdob2_KEglzdWl0ZSA1MDY [name] => 180 Dundas St W suite 506 [street_number] => 180 [street_name] => Dundas Street West [street_name_short] => Dundas St W [city] => Toronto [state] => Ontario [state_short] => ON [post_code] => M7A 2G5 [country] => Canada [country_short] => CA )