The Neighbourhood Legal Services offers free legal representation and assistance to low-income individuals who live in the catchment area and meet the eligibility requirements to qualify for services. *Catchment area: Yonge Street east to the Don Valley, Bloor Street South to the Toronto Islands **Eligibility requirements: Qualify under Legal Aid guidelines Tenant’s Rights Resources available on the website.
Services Provided:
Legal Services include: Housing-Landlord/Tenant, Social assistance and Income Security, Immigration, Employment, Human Rights, Notarizing and Commissioning Documents. Visit the website for more details.
416-861-0677 | ||
163 Queen Street East, Toronto Ontario M5A 1S1 |
Array ( [address] => 163 Queen Street East, Toronto, Ontario M5A 1S1, Canada [lat] => 43.6538215 [lng] => -79.3722403 [zoom] => 14 [place_id] => ChIJn01Y2TbL1IkR2yX3XUe1n9M [name] => 163 Queen St E [street_number] => 163 [street_name] => Queen Street East [street_name_short] => Queen St E [city] => Toronto [state] => Ontario [state_short] => ON [post_code] => M7A 2H6 [country] => Canada [country_short] => CA )